talker vs. doer

27 Feb

Are you a talker or a doer?  Have you said, “Oh, I really want to do this….yada, yada, yada.”  “I’m going to be an incredible designer someday.” “I really want to make a difference through mentoring or charity work.” “It would be really cool to quit my job and spend more time with my growing family.” “I really should be healthier.”

I’m going to be real frank with you: I’m a talker.  At least, I have been for a while.  Also, I’m kinda over it!  You know the craziest thing I tell myself?

“Just wait. Now is not the right time.”  Why not now?  I’m not saying you’ve got to jump in headfirst and burn bridges.  I’m just saying you can start on something TODAY!

Are you a talker or a doer?  Spunky Sapphire

You know what made successful people successful?  They took ACTION within thirty days of talking about doing something.  They just DID it.  No hemming and hawing for them!

We all think we’re not enough.  Which is crazy.  You are enough!  And chasing what fires you up is not ridiculous.

What do you really, really, really want?  What fires your heart up?  What makes you jump up and down in sheer giddiness?  What scares the bejeebers out of you?

Guess what?  You should probably do that!

Right now, take some action toward it.  Write that seemingly “scary” email.  Just ask.  Surround yourself with the people you love.  Go for a walk.  Step out of that comfort zone (we talked about it here).

If you think, in fifty years, you might regret not doing it, stop talking about it and start doing!

Be a doer.

And, for those like me who have this niggling tiny worry about what the people will think?

This pretty incredible woman, who learned from her mama, always tells me this: “Never let them see you sweat.”  Just do you.


Come back next week to see the product of what I’ve been away working on and what’s next for Spunky Sapphire!  I’m SO excited for you to see it.

tell me everything!