Tag Archives: blogiversary

Spunky Sapphire blogiversary

1 Aug

Image by theSpunkySapphire.wordpress.comGuess what?!  It’s been a year.  Time flies when you’re having fun.  This year has been amazing and such a learning experience.  Every day I continue to learn new things, all of which excites me, and I’m thrilled to be able to do this!

A million thank yous to my family for believing in me even when they think I’m crazy (it’s okay, guys, I know) and for subscribing and reading every single post; you know who you are.  Thanks to new friends for attending my parties and loving my creativity and inspiring me to be better.

What has happened since August 1, 2012?  Well, the Spunky Sapphire got a few face lifts and as of March 2013, this look was introduced; it’ll be around for a while because I’m pretty fond of it.  I’ve become a better writer, connected with a lot of new people, and learned SO much about myself.  I’ve recently introduced a few series and new ideas and, although earlier this year, blogging frequency was a little rough, I’ve dedicated more time to this endeavor and hope it’s beneficial!

I remember when I first created the name and hit publish on my first post.  I was terrifiedpetrified, and scared all rolled into one.  Now, it’s become one of the best parts of my life and I enjoy everything about it.  There’s so much more I want to learn about design and blogging effectively, but the great thing about this is that I can go at my own pace and change things whenever I fancy a little update.

The biggest thing I’ve learned is that you’re always capable of more than you think….ALWAYS.  Challenge yourself.  Take the leap into whatever it is that you’re petrified of doing.  It will be worth it.

Here’s to a new, even more productive year.  Thanks for reading!